Friday, July 04, 2008

Mr Spiderman - ONE YEAR AGO

It's true when they said that you should prevent your children from watching action movie. Why? Children don't understand the meaning of fiction & non-fiction. No matter how many times you tried explaining to them that humans don't fly (aka Superman) or don't jump from one building to the next (aka Spiderman) but they still have the hearts to try (curiosity kills the cat?). Nabil just celebrated his 4th birthday on May 12th 2007. It happened that week channel 5 was showing Spiderman 2 and we have fun watching together. Who would have thought the next few days while nobody's watching, he decided to try all the moves (jumping from the bed) and did he fall hard. So hard that he fractured his left arm. Poor daddy was working at site (Tuas) at that time and couldn't be contacted. Poor mummy (me) have to bring him to KK Children's Hospital where the doctor told that he needs to be operated immediately. I tried to be cool while watching him screaming in pain but i did burst into tears when daddy called to know what's going on?
Anyway, he was operated on 17 May 2007 and discharged on 18 May 2007 and is doing well. His cast was changed twice and last week, his cast and k-wire have been removed.
I don't think he learnt his lesson though cause he is still jumping up and down but no worries. I still keep his cast and k-wire with me just to remind him every now and then. I guess that would be my weapon against him.

Nur Syifa Hannah

Where shall i start? Should it be from the beginning and share the joy as well as the sadness? I have carried the pain for 7 years now and everytime i thought about her, i will shed into tears, just like now, while i'm writing about her. You may not know her but i want to share with you my experience in having her in my life. You see, she was special and to me she was the most beautiful baby girl.
She was born on 7 April 2001 at 1330pm at KKH and we named her Nur Syifa Hannah. She was going to be 6 years old today and i'm sure that her birthday party would be a grand one. I could picture her having a blast of time, playing with her sister and brother, her cousins and friends. She would have a big smile on her face and how it would lit up everytime she received presents. I would dressed her in a beautiful gown and taking lots and lots of pictures, at the same time making sure that everything would run smoothly. How i would showed her off to everybody just like i did with my two other children but these are only my dreams. She died on 5 May 2001 at 1345pm at KKH due to multiple complications. I never got the chance to hold her until the day she died. How I held her close to my heart. How i kissed her goodbye. How i whispered to her my love for her and how much i'm going to miss her. I still missed her and i will keep on missing her.
I will always carry a picture of her, in my heart, forever and i never got bored in reminding my two other children about her. My first daughter was only 2 at that time so she does not remember her well while my youngest, not born yet until 2 years later. We will visit her grave as a family everynow and then. She may not be with us but i know deep down inside that she's watching over us. I'm sure she knew that she has a sister and a brother.
Though sad but i know that she's going to be well taken care of 'up there' and one day i will get to see her again.
I may not be able to hold her in my arms again. I may not be able to see her grow up right before my eyes but i'm truly grateful that i had the chance to carry her inside me, share my life with her even for a short while.
I will always love you my dearest daughter, Syifa.....


4 October 2007, dengan menaiki penerbangan SQ456 SIN/JED, berangkatlah sudah insan yang tersayang, insan yang bergelar suami. Selepas berhari-hari menunggu dengan penuh debaran, akhirnya dia pergi juga ke Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, atas urusan kerja. Perginya bukan seketika tetapi hingga tahun depan, di mana belum di tentukan lagi tarikh tamat kontrak kerjanya. Perasaanku di waktu menghantarnya ke lapangan terbang Chang begitu berkecamuk. Ada perasaan gembira dan juga sedih. Gembira kerana dia dapat apa yang dia inginkan, yaitu mencari pengalaman di Saudi Arabia dan pada masa yang sama, dapat mengerjakan ibadah puasa dan tarawih di tanah suci Mekah. Sedih pula kerana tidak dapat menyambut hari lebaran bersamanya, tidak dapat mengucup tangannya di pagi raya nanti. Walaubagaimanapun, aku akur yang aku harus redha dengan pemergiannya kerana dia pergi untuk mencari rezeki buat kami sekeluarga. Aku harus tabah meniti hari-hari akan datang tanpanya di sisi, tanpa insan yang bergelar suami. InsyaAllah, demi anak-anakku, akan aku tabahkan hatiku, akan aku kuatkan semangatku dan akan aku simpan tangisku. Aku akan merinduinya setiap masa, setiap waktu. Semoga Allah swt melindunginya walau di mana juga dia berada. Amin.